

18 Sep '11

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Playable Update – A Practice Room to Test Your Reflexes

Tired of going to the gym? Yeah me too. Why not just chill on your sofa and give this first playable demo of Run Megan Run a try instead? ;)

In this demo, we’d like to show you the … Read More

17 Sep '11

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My Giants – Controlling Your Giants (dev demo)

(Scroll down to the game directly)Giants in the game are indirectly controlled by the players. Our idea is to have the players issue commands to them, and they will behave accordingly on their own. For example, you can tell … Read More

03 Sep '11

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Run Megan Run – Prototype Video

And here we’ve got a fresh video of Run Megan Run for you! Let us know your thoughts! :)

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03 Sep '11

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Prototype – Run Megan Run

Run Megan Run is a prototype we started developing a week ago. It started as a fun idea of re-using the female model and animations already created, and turning it into a platforming game. We spent some time on … Read More

28 Jul '11

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Screenshot Saturday – 3D Maze

Screenshot Saturday (#ScreenshotSaturday) is a weekly activity for indie game developers to show screenshots of their games in development as a way to encourage each other and track progress.

This week we bring you a … Read More