

11 Feb '12

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Giants Synchronized in New Version

We have started moving more and more elements from our previous version (video link) based on Photon to the new version based on uLink. This week we have the giants synchronized, so each player can summon their giant onto the … Read More

09 Sep '11

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My Giants Development Montage, 2011-09-10

It’s been three months since we started working on My Giants. The game seems to start taking life on its own with each design, technology, or direction change. Here’s a quick one minute video to show you our progress so … Read More

07 Sep '11

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Rock Giant Jumps, Stomps, Punches, and Builds (a wall)!

The Rock Giant is designed to be powerful, and a loyal giant that protects its master. We are designing it to come from the ground when summoned, with two different attacks – a single-target attack where the giant … Read More

03 Sep '11

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Run Megan Run – Prototype Video

And here we’ve got a fresh video of Run Megan Run for you! Let us know your thoughts! :)

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13 Aug '11

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Everything Looks Fancier on the iPad

A video showing you the game running on the iPad, with a quick preview of how some of the UI might work, and the basic Capture the Flag gameplay. We had to remove some of the more graphic intense effects … Read More

04 Aug '11

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My Giants 1st Video!

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The 1st video of My Giants! We are experimenting with effects and lighting as well as a few new materials and UI. See the game in action now!

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