August 18, 2010

The Giant Of The River Thames: Little Megan’s Giant Adventure in London on Kickstarter

The Giant of The River Thames is now officially on! For those who don’t know, Kickstarter is a place where people can fund ideas and creative projects. You make a pledge to a project to help getting it completed, in return, the creator will give you some rewards for your help.

We are trying to raise $3456.00 to help pay for art works and software licenses, and we only have 28 days left to make this happen! Take a look at the project on this project page and let me know what you think. We are very glad that the kind folks at Kickstart have put this project in the “recommended” page. Please help us make our pledge goal of $3456.00, spread the word and let your friends know about this project! Every bit of support will help us get closer to bringing the project to reality.


Project Page:


Thank you!


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