August 30, 2014

Indie Dev Q&A: 4Gency, Seattle

It’s time for another inspirational indie dev Q&A! This time, we talked with Charles Cox of 4gency, Seattle.

charles_nh 4gency Seattle1. Name and location

Charles Cox from 4gency, in Seattle WA.

2. How long have you been an indie dev?

The studio has been around since late 2011 but I went full-time indie with it in September 2013. We’re now a team of five.

3. Games released?

Habitat (, Node.Hack for iOS/Android (, Armored Drive for iPhone (

4. Sum up your game / studio style in 3 words

Epic emergent fun.

5. Your career path – in a nutshell – to here?

Twelve years, three game companies, ten different jobs. Wore as many hats as I could get away with. Specialized as quickly as possible, then generalized again when going indie.

6. Your favorite 3 tools or resources for indie development?

Google, Excel, Kindle. (Get answers. Prove your assumptions with numbers. Always be reading.)

7. Biggest lesson you’ve learned since being in the game?

People follow traction. Keep betting bigger; small risks get small rewards.

4gency Habitat
8. A piece of advice from a fellow indie that has always stuck with you?

Find the fun first. Everything else comes second. (from Ed Fries)

9. What are you working on right now?

Habitat is now in Steam Early Access; we’re working day and night to finish the game – then, who knows?

Find Charles and 4gency Online!

Company page:
Habitat page:
Direct Steam link:

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